Wellbeing Counselling Directory

Headspace Castle Hill

Provides mental health support, services and information to young people, aged 12-25, and their families and friends. We can help with mental health, general health, alcohol and other drug services as well as employment support.

Services: Psychologist

Nearest Campus: Nirimba

Address: 253 Old Northern Road, Castle Hill, 2154, NSW

Contact Number: (02) 9393 9800

Email: headspace.castlehill@flourishaustralia.org.au

Website: https://headspace.org.au/headspace-centres/castle-hill//

Opening Hours: Monday Wednesday and Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm Tuesday and Thursday 10:00am - 6:00pm

Referral Eligibility: No referral required

Fees: Accessing headspace Castle Hill services are free for young people 12-25 years old. Some of our services do require you to have a Medicare card.
