Wellbeing Counselling Directory

Consultant Psychiatry Service (provided by SWSPHN)

The Consultant Psychiatry Service provides initial assessment and brief intervention to people experiencing a severe and persistent mental illness with barriers to accessing a psychiatrist (e.g. financial hardship). It also provides advice, opinion and capacity building to GPs to better support the persons care.

Services: Psychiatrist

Nearest Campus: Online

Address: No Address Available

Contact Number: 1300 797 746


Website: https://www.swsphn.com.au/consultantpsychiatry

Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5:30pm

Referral Eligibility: Referral by consumer’s treating GP. GPs can refer by completing the SWSPHN mental health referral form and submitting to SWSPHN Mental Health Central Intake. People aged 12+ experiencing a severe and persistent mental illness are eligible to access the service, as well as, their treating GP.

Fees: Free service

Services: An appointment is typically 55 minutes. This includes 40-45 minutes of therapy with the consumer and 10-15 minutes to support the GP with any care planning and prescriptions.